
baltic lines. spinning off and spinning around rail baltica. an article (together with diāna mikāne) for maja, estonian architectural review, 'infrastructure' issue, 3/2024 (117)
euromonster blockades, a play-essay for trans magazin, LORE, semi-annual journal of the department of architecture, ETH Zürich, gta verlag, zürich (ch)

vajadzētu pavemt [eng. should vomit sometime], a poetic essay for avīzes nosaukums, issue 15 “kam tic mākslinieks”, may 2023, riga (lv)

atā, titānik! [eng. goodbye, titanic!], an essay published by the philosophy magazine tvērums, spring 2023, riga (lv)

of neighbours and friends, protocol magazin 13: adrenalin, published by UdK Berlin (de), spring 2023, written together with christian hörner, photos by zeno schnelle

this is not a pizza, a zine, printed in the framework of 
no-thing studio at the estonian academy of arts tutored by helen runting and leonard ma, tallinn (ee), winter 2022

towards an architecture of caring ecologies, a conversation with architect and researcher erika henriksson, published on arterritory [10/03/2022]

of borders and bees, a conversation with urbanists johanna richter and marcell hajdu, published on arterritory [03/05/2022]

the table between us, an essay for the book first in a series of architectonic objects: the table, published by technical university of vienna, research unit of architecture theory and philosophy of technics, edited by vera bühlmann, georg fassl, and emmanuelle chiappone-piriou, 2018, vienna (at)